What better way to start your weekend than with boba tea and raccoons? C.J. and I got off of work on Friday, January 20th, and got some Boba smoothies from a local shop. We then headed over to the pier that we knew was inhabited by cats and raccoons. Of course I had my cat treats with me to try and buy their love. While I didn’t buy the cats’ love, I almost bought a one way ticket to the hospital after getting a little too close to a raccoon.

If you ask me, I was in total control of the situation and the raccoon was very nice. If you ask anybody else, they might say I was being “dumb” and “shouldn’t risk getting rabies just because I want to befriend a raccoon”. Whatever. I vowed to keep a safer distance from feral animals to appease my loved ones.
Saturday, Jan 21st, C.J. and I took a little road trip to Houston, TX. Our main reason for going to Houston was to visit the NASA Space Center. C.J. and I are both big fans of space. The space center in Houston was very cool and informative. We were able to see inside of spaceships, learn about the science behind space exploration, and watch an astronaut documentary. We both loved the space center, and it reignited my passion to become an aerospace engineer. I have this passion every few months, and it usually dies out after I remember how bad I am at math.

Funplex was the next destination on our list. Funplex is a huge center full of arcade games, rollerblading, and even a bar. We had high expectations. But after discovering half of the arcade games were broken, we got our money back and left. We ended the night at a Tex Mex restaurant before driving back home to Galveston. That was the end of our plans for the weekend, because we dedicated Sunday to being incredibly lazy.

Until next time,
Jess May